Dr. Salah Abdel-Haq's Speech on the Occasion of Eid al-Adha

In his speech on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Dr. Salah Abdel-Haq addressed the Islamic Ummah with the following words:

"My dear brothers and sisters in Egypt and the Islamic world, esteemed Muslims. I am pleased to congratulate everyone celebrating the blessed Eid al-Adha, especially our General Guide Dr. Mohammed Badie and the members of the Guidance Office. This holiday symbolizes the victory that follows jihad.

I extend my congratulations to our mujahideen brothers in Egypt, Palestine, and the surrounding areas of Rabat, who, despite their pain and suffering, continue to raise our flags high on the horizon. What Allah has in store for us is far better than what we have.

I also commend the patient prisoners behind the walls in Palestine, Arab countries, and the lands of Islam. We will do everything in our power to help them regain their freedom, dignity, and pride, so they can live freely in their countries and choose their own governments. 

We will speak on their behalf and advocate for their rights in every national and international forum, making their cause known and supported globally.

We trust that God will never disappoint us, just as He has never disappointed the faithful who understand that freedom and faith in God are inseparable.

During these blessed days, I congratulate those who have responded to their Lord’s call and performed Umrah, fulfilling their intentions as Allah has accepted them and completed their steps. 

The union of Hajj rituals with the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque is a sign of wisdom, reminding us that jihad for the sake of Allah is a pillar of our religion. Jihad brings not ease but great rewards and beautiful outcomes.

We want everyone to know that we will not strive without need, take steps without purpose, make sacrifices for profit, or suffer without reform. 

Almighty Allah has ordained freedom for the peoples, groups, and individuals called upon by His prophets in the past. As Al-Faruk once proclaimed: 'O Amr, since when did you enslave people when their mothers gave birth to them free?'

We seek freedom for ourselves and others, for both the oppressor and the oppressed need it.

The oppressed must be freed from their captivity and chains, while the oppressors must be freed from their injustices and wrongdoings.

We trust that the world needs the powerful thought of Islam because oppression and domination vanish when people realize they are only servants of Allah.

When we call upon the world with God's message—which is the highest of prayers—it brings both inner assurance and visible security. 

Inner assurance comes when one is invited to strongly believe in the unseen, choosing what is most suitable and complete. Visible security is established when justice is maintained on earth and the path is paved by a state that upholds the most just laws, as provided by the Qur'an.

 The Qur'an is a methodology, a high culture, and a comprehensive system. It contains no regressive meanings, violations of international treaties, assaults on citizens or foreign minorities, or the abolition of representative government systems. 

It does not revive any regressive views that contradict the true principles of civilization because the Qur'an is wholly good and developed for the most just and best systems [and we have sent you only as a mercy to the worlds].

To our brothers in Rabat, in the land of Palestine, I say: Do not let what befalls you harm you. The killing of two friends and the righteous in this world is not difficult, and if you wish, read: 'Whenever a messenger comes to you with something you do not desire, you become arrogant, denying some and killing others' (Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayah 87).

 You have fulfilled your duty to Allah, and the vigilant nation rarely dies. You have set an example and a model for those behind you, and nations are raised not by order and difficulty but by example and model.

I believe it won't be long before the pure voice of our history speaks out, and a truthful narrator tells our story one day: 'But the froth disappears, while what is of benefit to people remains on the earth' (Surah Ar-Ra’d: Ayah 17).

To our mujahideen brothers everywhere, I say: Do not despair, for despair is not the behavior of believers. We will train ourselves to be true Muslims, educate our people to be a Muslim nation, and together, we will reach the goal we have set for ourselves, which is indeed the goal that Allah has set for us. We will carry out the task of achieving victory filled with hope."


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